Google Assistant Talks At I/O 2017

Ido Green
Dev Tutorials


This Google I/O (less than two weeks!) there are many great sessions that will help you create amazing assistant apps and actions on google. The Google Assistant’s mission is to help users get things done in their world and there is a lot of interesting content on that during the 2017 conference.

Here is a list of all the talks that devoted to the assistant:

Building apps for the Google Assistant (5/18 8:30a-9:30a)

This session will explain how to plug into the Google Assistant services ecosystem.
We’ll cover everything from understanding the business use case and high level user interface design to implementation and growing usage.
By the end of this session, you should have a better understanding of the Assistant service ecosystem and how to get started.

Building rich cross-platform conversational UX with API.AI (5/18 10:30a-11:30a)

API.AI helps developers build unique conversational experiences for their products, services and devices.
It provides a toolset for designing interactions with users and a powerful natural language understanding engine to process user requests.
By using API.AI, developers can build actions for Google Home, develop and launch chat bots or add voice to their robots.
In this session we will explore how to use API.AI to design, build and analyze advanced conversational UX that may work across different platforms.

Defining Multimodal Interactions: One Size Does Not Fit All (5/18 1:30p-2:30p)

Multimodal interactions are coming to life on a wide range of surfaces and operate on a set of rules defined in your interaction model.
But the tenets of a multimodal interaction vary wildly depending on whether you’re designing for a mobile device, a TV, a car, etc.
We’ll delve into some of the things you need to consider when building a model for various surfaces.

Home Automation with the Google Assistant (5/18 4:30p-5:30p)

Come learn how to use the Actions on Google platform for home automation integrations.
You will walk away from this session with the skills necessary for the Google Assistant to control your smart home devices.

Getting your Assistant Action Discovered (5/18 5:30p-6:30p)

If an action speaks in the forest and no one hears it, did it make a sound?
The focus for this talk is discovery — we want users to be able to find the awesome Actions on Google experiences you’ve built.
We’ll talk about triggering, directory listings, submissions, and overall best practices for getting your experience discovered by Google Assistant users.

In Conversation, There Are No Errors (5/18 6:30p-7:30p)

When building a Conversation Action for the Google Assistant, consider that so-called “error events” don’t have to be treated as edge cases.
Instead, these can become opportunities to forge meaningful exchanges that leverage users’ mental models of how everyday conversations unfold.
This talk will frame a new way of approaching fallback and repair, in which so-called errors become organic turns in the dialog.
We will provide design tips for your action logic to allow the conversation to move forward naturally.

Transactions with the Google Assistant (5/19 10:30a-11:30a)

Users are turning to the Google Assistant to help with more real world tasks like scheduling appointments, booking services, and shopping. Enable your users to make purchases and set appointments with the Actions on Google platform.
This talk will follow concrete examples, detailing elements like payments, user authentication, and order lifecycle.

Applying Built-in Hacks of Conversation to Your Voice UI (5/19 1:30p-2:30p)

As you gear up to build great Conversation Actions for the Google Assistant, find out how to leverage one of the principles that practically defines what it means to be “conversational” — our ability to take mental leaps, to draw inferences, to be informative, to feel like we’re making progress.
Conversation is systematic, but to the surprise of many technologists, this conversational principle actually defies the rules of formal logic.
So come find out the non-literal truth of everyday back-and-forths; take advantage of this principled, built-in “hack” of spoken language;
and delight your users with the intuitive ease of everyday conversation.

Btw, you might want to confirm the time and location of each talk at the I/O web app, since they might be last minute changes.
If you can’t make it in person or see it on the live stream — Don’t worry. I’ll update this post with the video recording of the talks once we will have them on youtube.

Happy I/O!

Originally published on Ido Green

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